Thursday, October 9, 2008

What To Know If He Wants To Stay Single

Hello,good day once again mga friendship...i wanted to share message i got from my inbox come and read it...let's see if naexperience mo na to and come to think and analyze these....hope you enjoy reading and me lesson kyo....

Hey,Have you recently met and connected with a great guy who makes you feel excited and happy... Only to have him suddenly pull away after a couple of great dates, with no explanation?Why do some men so predictably shut off this wayonce things could go somewhere real?Sure, there are a whole bag of "issues" a man might have that could explain why he'd withdraw... But you might have also noticed that when a good guy connects with a woman, he can go from confirmed bachelor who never wants to get married to a love-stricken man who can't help but want more with her.In other words, men can and do change their mindson what they want. And this is largely based onhow a woman makes them FEEL.Is it possible that a man you've had a few great dates with - who didn't call back or want more - stop "feeling it" for you because you made one of the one crucial mistakes lots of women make that will quickly close a man off and push him away?If you're not sure, then it's time you found out.

Hey Teresa, What makes a man want to stay single? And what makes a man want to stay singleand not have a relationship even when he's dating an amazing woman? Keep reading to find out. Here's something you should know... Did you know that most men make up theirminds about whether they'd "get serious" and try out a relationship within the first few minutes of having met a woman? It's true. If you don't know what to say or do early on to get a man's interest for the RIGHT REASONS... then the first "exchanges" between you two could keep him from ever wanting to explore a relationship with you. I see it happen all the time... A woman meets a fantastic guy and they hit it off. The chemistry is amazing. They laugh, talk, and have tons of things in common. It just feels right. They go out several times and end up getting "physical" early on. And since all the basic elements are there to start a great relationship, and this guy seemslike he could be "the one", the woman starts to really open up. But just as she's becoming more and moreEMOTIONALLY INVOLVED, the truth comes out... The man has ABSOLUTELY NO INTEREST in having a real relationship. He says something like: "It's not you... it's me." Or... "I'm just not interested in a relationshipright now." Or... "You're great, but if we went out I know we'd get serious really quickly and I'm notready for all that. I don't want to hurt you." Give me a nod here if you know what I'm talking about. If you've experienced this kind of thingbefore, then you know that men will come up with every excuse in the book to try and AVOID a relationship. Sometimes it seems like men's minds aresimply searching for every possible excuse or way out. That way they don't have to deal with the fact that there's an amazing woman right in front of them who could be the love of their lives. So let me ask you... Why is finding the right person such a bad thing to men? And what can YOU do as a woman to avoid allthese "traps" that other women constantly walkinto and trigger with men that keep them fromever finding and starting the relationship thatthey really want? Good questions. After years and years of thinking about allthis, of talking to men and women, and spendingyears observing and studying what's really goingon at a deeper level... I've discovered somethingthat TONS of women are doing when meeting anddating men that INSTANTLY pushes that WITHDRAWALbutton where a man will not only not want to get any closer to a woman... But he'll want to get away from her altogether. Don't be one of the many women who keep on making this mistake without even knowing it. For an in-depth explanation of why a man willseem interested but not want more, and to learn how to make sure love comes together when you finally meet the right man for you... go here right now and discover this "breakthrough" I'vefinally uncovered about men and dating:
It's one thing when you're dating a man andhe tells you he doesn't want a relationship, andthat he isn't ready. But here's where it gets even more bizarreand PREDICTABLE when it comes to men and howthey think about dating and new relationships... After a man dates you and says he's NOT READYfor a relationship, unless you're the unlucky kind of woman who likes to torture herself by trying to CONVINCE a man that he should want a relationship with you... you listen and move on. You try and respect the fact that, for whatever reason, he's not in a place wherehe's capable of having a real relationship. But for lots of women, this is when the unthinkable happens... A few weeks or months later you can't believewhat you hear- This same man who was dead-set on staying single and not having a relationship is suddenly IN LOVE with ANOTHER WOMAN. And to add insult to injury... things are getting very "serious" and moving very, very quickly for him with this other woman. What! What's going on here? For most women, it's in these moments thata few "truths" become clear to you:1) Men don't know what they want... How many times have you had a man say onething, or show you that he felt or thought onething... but then he did something that was completely the opposite? Why does a man do this? Is he lying? Did he mean to deceive you and hurt you? Or did he do this for another reason? What if I told you that when a man likesyou and is interested... he'll often say thingsabout the way he feels about you just to get your interest and attention? And what if I told you that these thingsthat he thought and felt could change VERY, VERYQUICKLY as you're getting to know each otherand "dating"? Would that change the way you think aboutmen and how they don't know what they want? It should.2) You can't trust what a man tells you... If you're a woman who's been hurt before in a relationship, then odds are you're findingit hard to believe a man or trust him much furtherthan you could throw him. It's understandable. But did you know that if you've been hurtfrom a past relationship and you carry somedoubt and fear about men in general... Then no matter how you try and come across to him... a man will sense this inside you when you go out with him - even if you don't say anything about it or mention it. Your inability to trust a man won't allowyou to "connect" with him on a deeper level. And without that CONNECTION where a manfeels like you really "get" him... he'll neverget past that superficial level of conversationand start becoming EMOTIONALLY INVOLVED anddrawn to you. In other words... the fear that you havethat he'll turn out like other men that you'veknown will "leak" out in subtle ways. And itwill not only keep you both from growing closer... but it will give him the intuitivefeeling that something is off, and he'll leave. If you're talking to a new man in your lifeor dating and you have the bad experiences ofthe past in your mind... you're practicallyguaranteeing failure for yourself and for therelationship you're trying to get started. Men don't like and don't feel comfortableor attracted to a woman who is full of doubt andfear from her past relationships. It's a HUGE turn-off.3) Men don't make any sense to you... There's something that keeps coming up over and over in my life that's I find absolutelyfascinating... It's that everywhere I go I meet smart womenwho are what a friend of mine calls "Man-Stupid." Raise your hand if you're guilty of thisyourself. It's amazing to me how many brilliant, smart,sweet, caring, wise and loving women I've metwho have failure after failure when it comes tomen, dating, and relationships. And for these smart women, since they're socapable and successful in every other area of their life... they can't believe that they wouldn't be able to make things work with a man in a relationship. But here's the fatal mistake they make... They think that the fact that they are smart,educated, capable, successful, etc. in otherareas of life should somehow "translate" intoknowing what to do when it comes to men and theirlove life. But nothing could be farther from the truth. In fact, the belief that you know how thingswork with men and dating just because you're awoman and you think about these things all thetime and you really want love to work out in yourlife actually works against you. Why does this work against you? Simply put - because it keeps you from everaccepting the fact that you don't know what youneed to know about how men think, and how thingswork when it comes to a real and lasting relationship with a man. There's a kind of subtle shame that I'velearned some women carry because they think thatthey were born not knowing something that everyother woman was born knowing. Wrong! Not knowing how men think, and how men reallyare different when it comes to dating and whatcatches a his attention and interest isn't asign of a "dumb" or incapable woman. It's simply a sign that you haven't takenthe time to learn what actually works. Luckily, I've put together what I think ofas the world's best resource to help any woman, at any level of "Man-Stupid"... quickly get herself up to speed with how men think and WHAT WORKS to catch a man's interest from the firstmeeting to when a man can't help but say "I loveyou". Don't set yourself up for failure when youmeet a man and start a new relationship becauseyou haven't taken the time to stop doing whathasn't been working all these years... andstart doing what works with a man.thanks and see yah next time..mwaahh

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